Customer service

Customer Service



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

McAfee | Secure Computing’s Worldwide Customer Service is dedicated to providing solutions to customer issues in a timely and courteous manner. Customer Service handles activations, support contract questions, patches and upgrades, and updates to customer database records. We respond to non-technical issues, because we are a repository for customer information. Have a question? All you have to do is ask. We can either answer your question or get you in contact with the appropriate person. Click on the links below to find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.



Transition to McAfee Support

Firewall or Security Appliance

McAfee UTM Firewall (formerly Snapgear®)

CyberGuard TSP Firewall

McAfee Web Gateway (McAfee SmartFilter®, McAfee Web Gateway (formerly Webwasher®))

McAfee Email Gateway (formerly IronMail®)

Other Email Contacts


General Return to top


Q: When does support begin?

A: Support begins the day that your product was shipped.


Q: Who should I contact to renew my support contract?

A: As appropriate, call McAfee (Secure Computing) Sales at 1-800-379-4944 or your Reseller directly.


Q: Where can I find the product manuals?

A: Product manuals are located on the product CDs and on the Technical Support Service Portal (


Q: I want to arrange for some training on my products. Who should I contact?

A: You can direct any questions regarding training to, or call 800-700-8328 (Option 6).


Q: How do I request a software upgrade?

A: Complete the Product Upgrade and CD Request Form located on our web site at If this is an urgent order, please be sure to note this in the Additional Comments field.


Q: How do I get the latest patch?

A: Refer to Web page: Note: You will need to have valid support in order to download and install patches or upgrades.


Q: How can I submit or check support tickets on-line for my McAfee (Secure Computing) products?

A: You can create an account for the Technical Support Service Portal ( You will need a valid Grant number to complete this registration process. Once you submit the registration you will be sent an email containing your password.


Transition to McAfee Support Return to top


Q: What is a Grant Number?

A: The Grant Number is your key to all McAfee support, licenses, and entitlements, and must be provided each time an authorized contact calls support.

Q: I have multiple Secure Computing products, will I receive multiple Grant Numbers?

A: When your Secure Computing products are transferred to McAfee, you will initially receive one Grant Number that covers all of your existing Secure products. (If you purchase additional products in the future, you will get additional Grant Numbers.)


Q: Who should I contact if I did not receive or do not know my Grant Number?

A: You can contact Customer Service at 800-700-8328 (Option 7) or send an email to When calling or emailing Customer Service please provide your Legacy Secure Computing product serial number or Company ID.


Q: Will my current support contract or subscriptions for Secure Computing products be honored?

A: McAfee will honor your Secure support entitlement. You will receive McAfee Technical Support as follows:

  • Secure Direct customers will receive all the benefits of McAfee Gold Support.
  • Enterprise Account Management (EAM) customers will receive all the benefits of McAfee Platinum Support.
  • If you currently own both Secure and McAfee products, you will receive support services for all products at the highest McAfee support level you currently have.

At the time of product renewal, you will be asked to confirm the McAfee Support program you wish to continue with. Your sales rep can help you make the best decision for your organization.


Q: Can I continue to call the same phone numbers for Technical Support and Customer Service?

A: Yes, you can continue to call +1.800.700.8328 or +1.651.628-1500 to reach Technical Support and Customer Service.


Firewall or Security ApplianceReturn to top


Q: I have recently activated my firewall or security appliance and a feature is not licensed. What do I need to do?

A: Contact Customer Service at 800-700-8328 (Option 7) or 651-628-1540, for verification that a feature was requested and you have valid support for the serial number that you are trying to activate.

Q: I activated my McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder®) and it shows only 25 users and I should have more. What should I do?

A: Please contact Customer Service at 800-700-8328 (Option 7) or 651-628-1540 or send an email When sending an email please include your McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder) serial number, company name, address and contact phone number.


Q: I don’t know my McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder) serial number. Where can I find it?

A: Your SWXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX serial number can be found in one of the following three places (version 5.x or later):

  • Via the GUI (Cobra)…click the Cobra icon located on the X Windows toolbar. Now click Connect and login to the McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder). Select Firewall Administration ->Firewall License. You will find the information on the Firewall tab.
  • Via the command line…in the /etc/Sidewinder/ directory, perform a more license.conf
  • Activation certificate…you will find an “Important Activation Certificate” inside the software box.


Q: Why does my McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder) firewall show my support is not licensed (expired) if I just renewed my support contract?

A: You need to reactivate your McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder) by one of the following two ways:

  • If the McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder) is directly connected to the internet:
    • Perform a cf license get from the command line OR
    • Click Submit Data on the Firewall tab under Firewall Administration ->Firewall License in the GUI (Cobra).
  • If the McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder) is on an isolated network: click on the following link and complete the activation form provided: Be sure you have your serial number and firewall ID ready. You will receive your new activation key with instructions.


Q: I have ordered more user licenses for my McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder); however, the firewall still shows the previous user level.

A: You need to reactivate your McAfee Firewall Enterprise (Sidewinder) as described in the previous question. If after reactivating the user level still does not show the correct number of users, please contact Customer Service by phone at 800-700-8328 (Option 7) or 651-628-1540 or by email at


McAfee UTM Firewall (formerly Snapgear®)


Q: How do I register my McAfee UTM Firewall (formerly Snapgear) Appliance?

A: You can register your McAfee UTM Firewall (formerly Snapgear) Appliance from your If you do not have an account you can request one from the link provided above.


Q: How do I activate a new add-on feature for my McAfee UTM Firewall (formerly Snapgear) Appliance?

A: From your account, assure that your Appliance is registered. Click on Activate Features. Select the hardware serial number of your appliance and enter the feature serial number in the Feature Serial Number field on the Activate Feature page. Go to List Products to verify the add-on feature is activated.


CyberGuard TSP Firewall


Q: How do I register my CyberGuard TSP Appliance?

A: You can register your CyberGuard TSP Appliance from


Q: I have my Site ID for registration but I have misplaced the password. How can I find the password?

A: You can contact Customer Service by phone at 800-700-8328 (Option 7) or 651-628-1540 or by email Please make sure that you have your Site ID or Hardware serial number when calling or emailing.


McAfee Web Gateway (McAfee SmartFilter®, McAfee Web Gateway (formerly Webwasher®))


Q: How do I activate my McAfee SmartFilter SFXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX serial number?

A: To activate McAfee SmartFilter v4, please go to the following web page: Click on SmartFilter v4.x Activation and fill in all the information requested with an asterisk (*) on the left hand margin. Click the submit button at the bottom of the form and you will be prompted to download your McAfee SmartFilter server software or administrative tools.


Q: Is there somewhere that I can find out why McAfee SmartFilter is blocking a particular site?

A: Yes, you can check the category of the blocked URL by going to the following:


Q: How can I check the categorization of a particular website?

A: You can go to to check the categorization. If you believe that the category should be changed you can either fill out the category suggestion form that comes up after you check the URL, or you can submit your request by sending an email to


Q: Why is my McAfee SmartFilter either allowing / denying access to all sites?

A: Check to see if your subscription has expired. If you had recently renewed your subscription, you will need to request a new activation key by submitting a request via the following McAfee SmartFilter activation form Be sure you have your SFXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX serial number when completing this form. If you have not renewed your subscription, however, you will need to contact your Sales department at 800-379-4944 or reseller to purchase a renewal subscription.


Q: Is there somewhere I can find out why McAfee Web Gateway (formerly Webwasher®) is blocking a particular site?

A: Yes, you can check the category of the blocked URL by logging into your extranet account and going to the URL Filter Feedback section.


Q: I have a URL that I think should be added to the McAfee Web Gateway (formerly Webwasher) list. What should I do?

A: After checking the URL Filter feedback from your extranet account to see if the URL is already categorized, you can request a URL be added or suggest a new category by sending an email to


McAfee Email Gateway (formerly IronMail®)


Q: How do I obtain a Support Center account?

A: You can request an account by going to, click on “Request Account”, and fill out the request form. Your login and password will be sent to you via email.


Q: How do I find my McAfee Email Gateway (formerly IronMail) serial number?

A: Click on the “Contact Us” in the right hand corner of any menu screen in the McAfee Email Gateway (formerly IronMail) product. The serial number will appear in the box that will open.


Q: How do I determine which generation my McAfee Email Gateway (formerly IronMail) hardware is?

A: Customer Service can help determine the generation of your McAfee Email Gateway (formerly IronMail) Appliance. You can contact us at 800-700-8328 (Option 7) or 651-628-1540, or by email at Please make sure you have your product serial number when calling or emailing.


Other Email contacts:

Technical Publications:
Beta Test:
Quality Assurance:
Customer Advocate: